Condominium Unit Owners
Unit Owners Coverage
The Condo Association’s policy
covers the building itself and any commonly owned property. How far that
coverage extends, depends upon the condo association by-laws.
A condo unit owner’s policy will
provide protection for permanent additions/alterations, personal property and
Umbrella Coverage
Protecting yourself, your family and
your assets is your number one priority. But, what happens if a loss occurs and
your homeowner or auto liability limits are not enough?
Our personal umbrella endorsement
offers your family additional limits up to five million.
Click Here
for an example.
Breakdown Coverage
We all rely on equipment from
heating and air conditioning to computers and telephones. Equipment Breakdown
Coverage protects you against the unexpected repair or replacement of these
items as a result of mechanical, electrical or pressurized systems breakdown.
a href="" target="_blank">Click Here
for additional information and examples.
Service Line Coverage
This great enhancement option
provides coverage for damage to underground piping, wiring, valves, or attached
devices that connect your home to a public utility service provider or a private
- Damage to underground service line
- Lost to repair or replace damaged covered service line
- Repair to outdoor property that is damaged due to excavation
Click Here for additional information and examples.
Theft Coverage and Resolution Services
The Farmers of Salem Homeowner
policy provides an automatic $10,000 in identity theft coverage at no
additional cost to you, the policyholder. You may choose to increase the limit
beyond $10,000 for an additional premium.
Click Here
For Additional Information.